Nowadays every webmasters realize to getting the rank in Google is very hard but there is a simple way for solving this problem is to write a great content. Every author wants to write the high quality standard content, it means if you have something about the topic but no one has ever said before, that's the simple way to make a quality content. So i suggested some SEO tools for helping the authors to write the good content. This tools are very useful to increase the creativity, reality and uniqueness of the author. The content is king of every website, it decides the ranking, traffic and quality of the site.
1. Google Trends
Google Trends is a one of the most effective and powerful tools for selecting the title of your content. It also share the information of Hot searches and Top charts of your keyword and listing the toppest search of the day regarding to category.
2. Polish My Writing
After the deadline is an online language checking tool that checks the spelling, grammar and style of your content. The main aim of the tool is to make the content is easily readable and understandable, it also available on plugin for Wordpress users.
3. Keyword Density Analyzer
Keyword Density Analyzer is also a web based tool that checks the density of the keyword in the content. Its very useful to make sure you content is not keyword spamming. Its quite valuable and most effective tool for checking the density of the keyword.
4. Readability Calculator
Readablity Calculator is a tool for checking the reading quality of the content, and it gives the score for the content. It can check both raw content and live content and gives the good suggestions for improving the readability of the content.
5. Plagiarism Checker
Palagrisim checker is the online tool for checking the content is unique or not. Just copy and paste your content in the box and scanned for duplicate content.
It can also check the raw content perfectly.
I hope this tools are really useful for authors to write the good content and this tools are in my knowledge, suppose if any one is missing please post it as comment.