March 2014

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Tech-Quiz Competition for 29th March 14

Posted by Gopi Senthil 2 Comments
Hello Readers,
Thanks for participating last week quiz and please be co-operated with this week also. The same rules 10 tech quiz questions and the winner will be decided by time taken for completing the exam.

Fill the below form and click the start button, it will be redirected to quiz competition page and submit your answers.
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Wednesday, 26 March 2014

How To Speed Up The Computer And Pendrive - Pendrive Tricks

Posted by Gopi Senthil
Most of them still trouble with speed up the computer and increase transfer speed of the Pendrive. Because its totally disturbs every work and its gives more irritating to the users. But now I have a solution for this kind problem with the help of your Pendrive. This problem mainly occurs in playing games, buffer youtube videos and opening many tasks. Now its solved by increasing the RAM memory of your computer with the help of Pendrive. This trick is used for the act your Pendrive as Extend RAM Stick.

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Monday, 24 March 2014

How To Set Video As Wallpaper In The Desktop - Background Tricks

Posted by Gopi Senthil 2 Comments
Set Video As Desktop Background
This is a one of the amazing background trick, it tells you are different from others. This trick helps to set your favourite video as a desktop background with the help of VLC Media Player. Most of them using customized animated background or use different wallpapers, because it helps to think about the character of the administrator. Video Lan Project developers introduced this player which supports audio and video compression methods. VLC stands for Video Lan Client is able to stream over computer network and to transcode the multimedia files. 
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Saturday, 22 March 2014

Tech-Quiz Competition for 22'nd March 14

Posted by Gopi Senthil 4 Comments
We pleasure to inform the Tech-Quiz Competitions conducted on every Saturday of the week. It's very useful to improve the tech knowledge. It has ten questions related to technology, blogger, abbreviations, logos and recent tech news.

Please fill the below form, after click the submit button and your time will be started. It will be automatically redirected to Tech-Quiz Competition page.
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Saturday, 15 March 2014

Top Five Battery Saver Applications For Android

Posted by Gopi Senthil
Battery Saver Android Application
The major problem for android users is saving the battery power of Smartphones. Most of them open many applications simultaneously, and it will not be properly closed. So the battery power is quickly drying and also affect hardware of the phone. 
Now the problem is solved by battery saver applications, it will be available on the Android market. In my knowledge , I will share the top five battery saver android application for your phones.

1. Easy Battery Saver

Easy Battery Saver is an effective applications to expand the battery life. The main feature of this application is displayed the battery status on the main page. It helps to improve the brightness, background light and network connectivity of the Smartphones. It has five operation modes such as Normal Mode (Means no changes in the battery), General Saving Mode (Manage the network control, screen control and sleep schedule), Intelligent Saving Mode (Its better than General Saving Mode and manage the all controls), Super Power Saving Mode (Don't feel at the your phone dies, put this mode to improve the battery life), and finally Advanced Customization Mode (It has better efficiency compare to all the modes)
Easy Battery Saver Android Application

2. DU Battery Saver

DU Battery Saver is one of the top free application for saving your battery power for long lasting time. This application helps to save a large amount of battery power. The main feature of this application is automatically closed the unused background applications. It helps to save 50% power in your battery, and it works fine in both Smartphones and Tablets.
DU Battery Saver Android Application

3. NQ Easy Battery Saver

NQ Easy Battery Saver is one of the amazing application for saving the battery of Smartphones. It works very smart and improve the performance and speed of the phone. It has 12 turn off/on buttons for Wi-fi, Bluetooth, Game, Screen Brightness, Mobile data and more. The main feature of this application is displays the current report of your phone, so its very helpful to take the smart decision.
NQ Easy Battery Saver Android Application

4. Battery Defender

Battery Defender has one special feature compare to above application, it has most one tap characteristic to expand your battery life. The phone screen is turn off simultaneously Wi-fi, Bluetooth, Mobile data and Network also automatically turn off. It has also display battery status on the status bar.
Battery Defender Android Application

5. Battery Doctor

Battery Doctor is also one of the battery saver applications, it has all the features of the above applications like automatically clearing the unused background application, automatically turn off the application when the phone screen off, and it works perfect in both Smartphones and Tablets.
Battery Doctor Android Application

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Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Best SEO Tools For Writing The Unique Content

Posted by Gopi Senthil
Tools For Content Writing
Nowadays every webmasters realize to getting the rank in Google is very hard but there is a simple way for solving this problem is to write a great content. Every author wants to write the high quality standard content, it means if you have something about the topic but no one has ever said before, that's the simple way to make a quality content. So i suggested some SEO tools for helping the authors to write the good content. This  tools are very useful to increase the creativity, reality and uniqueness of the author. The content is king of every website, it decides the ranking, traffic and quality of the site.

1. Google Trends

Google Trends is a one of the most effective and powerful tools for selecting the title of your content. It also share the information of Hot searches and Top charts of your keyword and listing the toppest search of the day regarding to category.

Google Trends

2. Polish My Writing

After the deadline is an online language checking tool that checks the spelling, grammar and style of your content. The main aim of the tool is to make the content is easily readable and understandable, it also available on plugin for Wordpress users.
Polish My Writing

3. Keyword Density Analyzer

Keyword Density Analyzer is also a web based tool that checks the density of the keyword in the content. Its very useful to make sure you content is not keyword spamming. Its quite valuable and most effective tool for checking the density of the keyword.
Keyword Density Analyzer

4. Readability Calculator

Readablity Calculator is a tool for checking the reading quality of the content, and it gives the score for the content. It can check both raw content and live content and gives the good suggestions for improving the readability of the content.
Readability Calculator

5. Plagiarism Checker

Palagrisim checker is the online tool for checking the content is unique or not. Just copy and paste your content in the box and scanned for duplicate content.
It can also check the raw content perfectly.
Plagiarism Checker


I hope this tools are really useful for authors to write the good content and this tools are in my knowledge, suppose if any one is missing please post it as comment. 
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Monday, 10 March 2014

Use The Pen drive As A Key For Login The Computer

Posted by Gopi Senthil
Pen drive As A Key
Its time to ignore the typing password in the computer, now use the pen drive as a password for login the computer. Simple example, just insert the pen drive like key in the USB port and get access to the computer. Its one of the top most pen drive geek and most of them used this method to access the computer, because it helps to protect the files from unknown users and its the best way to secure the files from hackers. In many private sectors use this method to protect the company secrets and highly confidential files. This method is only eligible for all the versions of Windows operating system.
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